Snow Mountain Garlic
Snow Mountain Garlic
Snow Mountain garlic is a type of garlic that is grown in the high altitudes of the Himalayas. It is known for its intense flavor and aroma.
Snow Mountain garlic has a higher sulfur content than other types of garlic, which gives it its strong flavor. It also contains allicin, which is responsible for its aroma. Allicin is produced when the clove is cut or crushed, and it is destroyed when the clove is cooked.
Snow Mountain garlic has many health benefits, including reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels, fighting infection, and improving heart health.
Snow Mountain Garlic commonly known as Kashmiri Garlic is a variety of garlic found in the Indian
state of Jammu and Kashmir.Garlic is being used from our ancient periods.It has many health benefits.
Our elders used to live a very good life.No major problems or pain they felt ever this is because they
fully depends upon the nature herbs and medicines.While more than 60 varieties of garlic are grown
throughout the world, but from Kashmir, India – has been clinically established to be the world’s
best garlic in terms of purity and potency.
In herbal medicine, garlic has been used in the treatment of asthma, deafness, leprosy and worms. It
is good for the heart. It stimulates appetite helps to remove toxins and revitalizes the blood. Garlic
juice is most beneficial as it helps in penetrating and dissolving the accumulation of mucus in the sinus
cavities, in the bronchial tubes and in the lungs.Through numerous studies, garlic consumption have shown
an increased level of energy , endurance and a health management technique of preventing disease or
assisting a cure. Enhances immune system and restore health state Accelerates recovery from common
cold, high blood pressure, rheumatism, tuberculosis, cholesterol and respiratory problems Known to
improve blood circulation, cleanse the blood, and increase red blood corpuscles .
Kashmirmarket provides you the best quality of mountain garlic in affordable price which are directly
parcel from the valley of kashmir.Moreover,Snow Mountain Garlic comes from the non-polluted mountains
in the Himalaya,Normal garlic is difficult to be eaten in the raw state easily. It is acidic . Snow
Mountain Garlic is palatable and easily consumed and does not harm your stomach or intestines.
Snow Mountain Garlic, also known as “Allium vineale”, is a type of wild garlic that grows in the Mountains
Snow Mountain Garlic is edible and has a taste similar to regular garlic. However, it should not be eaten in large quantities because it can cause nausea and vomiting.
Snow Mountain Garlic has many medicinal properties and has been used to treat a variety of illnesses including respiratory infections, toothaches, and snake bites. It is also believed to have anti-aging properties and has been used to treat conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.