figs (popularly known as anjeer in India) are available in all seasons and everywhere in the world.

Figs are one of the earliest fruits grown by man. Though figs are not available throughout the year, so

it can be found in dried form in the grocery store.It has a great taste and they are smooth in touch.

Iron and calcium are found in abundance in the fig, it is beneficial in anemia. 10 Munkke and 8 figs

200 ml drink boiled in milk. This increase in blood and blood-related disorders go away.Not only this

there are many more health benefits of figs . Here are some of other benefits described below.

1. Anjeer is rich in dietary fibre. 3 pieces of dried figs contain 5 grams of fibre, which accounts for

   about 20% of our daily requirement. It’s a natural laxative for preventing constipation and other digestive


2.  Weight loss: The fiber in figs also helps to reduce weight and is recommended for obese people. Take

    care – figs also result in weight gain, especially when consumed with milk.

3.  Lower cholesterol: Figs contain Pectin, a soluble fiber. When fiber goes through the digestive system,

   it mops up globes of cholesterol and carries them out of body.

4. Prevent coronary heart disease: Dried figs contain phenol, Omega-3 and Omega-6. These fatty acids

   reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

5. Prevent colon cancer: The presence of fiber helps to mop up and usher out cancer causing substances.

6. People usually take in sodium in the form of salt, but low potassium and high sodium level may lead
   to hypertension. Figs are high in potassium and low in sodium, so they are a perfect defense against

   the appearance and effects of hypertension, making figs a relaxing food as well