Signs of Pure Cashmere Pashmina
Signs of Pure Cashmere Pashmina
The first tell tale sign of Pure Cashmere Pashmina is that it will be very light and very soft.
It is not a shiny like silk fabric; rather Pure Pashmina is dull (although in finishing process
it does get some shine but not like silk). It is not cold to touch like Viscose or silk, it gives
a nice warm feel.Pashmina cashmere has a special luster due to its long, fine fibers, which are as
thin as 12 microns and can be upto 18 microns thick; by contrast, the fibers from premium sheep’s
wool, such as Merino Extrafine, are 23 microns thick, and human hair ranges around 75 microns
thick. Thus Pashmina wrap is exceptionally light, soft and warm, and feels luxurious on the skin.
The natural colors of the fleece range from white to gray, red, brown and black.Pure Cashmere Pashmina
or its high concentration silk blends are delicate threads and cannot be woven on a power loom.
The Pashmina thread is woven into wraps and scarves by handlooms by expert craftsmen. This hand
weaving shows clearing near the tassels where the thread is not so closely woven. Holding a shawl
to the window shows the fine weave.Real Pashmina becomes softer with time as it absorbs moisture.
Real Pashmina is not only soft, it gives warmth as well.