kashmiri garlic health benefits

kashmiri garlic health benefits 
Kashmiri Garlic is one of the potent herbs that is palatable and has abundant medicinal
properties. Many cultures Chinese, Indian, Greek, and Egyptians are using garlic for its
health benefits. Garlic is also known as “Russian Penicillin”. Through numerous studies,
garlic consumption have shown an increased level of energy , endurance and a health management
technique of preventing disease or assisting a cure.
Here are some useful tips of kashmiri garlic:
1.Enhances immune system and restore health state
2.Accelerates recovery from common cold, high blood  pressure, rheumatism, tuberculosis, cholesterol and respiratory problems
3.Known to improve blood circulation, cleanse the blood, and increase red blood corpuscles
4.Refreshes cells by promoting oxygen circulation; its a powerful antioxidants!
5.Helps protect the liver from Toxic substances. Helps rejuvenate a tired liver and promote normal functioning
6.Stimulates the nervous system, controls the workings of the heart at a constant level, thus stabilizing blood pressure
7.Capable of dissolving cholesterol and fatty substances inside blood vessel and therefore refreshing cells and blood inside the body
8.Promotes the secretion of gastric juices by stimulating the mucous membrane of stomach; combines with proteins, which can reduce excessive activity
9.Activates the large intestine by helping with both constipation and diarrhea
10.Regulates metabolic rate and assists in the discharging of toxic food
11.Lowers Blood Sugar level for patients suffering with diabetes
12.Lastly, its an all-natural Viagra for both men & women!
kashmiri snow mountain garlic
Through numerous studies, garlic consumption have shown an increased level of energy , endurance and View product.
kashmiri snow mountain garlic
Through numerous studies, garlic consumption have shown an increased level of energy , endurance and View product.

Do you know that garlic is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics in the world?

Kashmiri Lehsun, also known as Garlic of Tibet, is 7 times more powerful than regular garlic. It can cure even the worst diseases. This amazing herb has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments and it’s still being used today by thousands around the world.

If you are looking for an all-natural way to boost your immune system and improve your health then this could be what you have been searching for! It’s time to get healthy again with Kashmiri Lehsun! You will not find this product anywhere else on Amazon or eBay so click below now before we sell out again!

Click here right now and purchase our exclusive Kashmiri Lehsun today while supplies last!


What is difference between kashmiri garlic and normal garlic?
Kashmiri garlic has a higher sugar content than regular garlic. This gives it a sweeter taste and makes it more mellow in flavor. Kashmiri garlic is also smaller and has a more delicate texture.
It’s often eaten raw, or used in sweet dishes like desserts.

What are kashmiri garlic benefits for cholesterol?
Kashmiri garlic has been found to help lower cholesterol levels due to the presence of allicin, a sulfur compound that is also responsible for the odor of garlic. Allicin helps reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases the good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood, thereby helping to keep the heart healthy. Additionally, Kashmiri garlic is also rich in other antioxidants such as phenols and flavonoids that protect against free radicals and help keep the body healthy.

What are kashmiri garlic benfits for arthritis?
Garlic is a natural anti-inflammatory agent and has long been used to treat various forms of arthritis. Kashmiri garlic is a particularly potent type of garlic that has been found to be especially effective in reducing inflammation and pain in people with arthritis. In addition, Kashmiri garlic also helps improve joint mobility and reduce joint stiffness.

How to consume kashmiri garlic?
There are a few ways to consume Kashmiri garlic. You can add it to your food as you cook, or you can eat it raw. Some people also make a garlic paste to use in recipes or as a condiment.

How to use kashmiri garlic for weight loss?
Garlic is a natural herb that has been used for centuries for various purposes, including weight loss. Kashmiri garlic is a specific variety of garlic that has been shown to have weight loss benefits. Here is how to use Kashmiri garlic for weight loss:

1. Add Kashmiri garlic to your diet by eating it raw or cooked.
2. Drink Kashmiri garlic tea regularly. To make the tea, steep 1 teaspoon of Kashmiri garlic in hot water for 10 minutes. Drink 2-3 times per day.
3. Take Kashmiri garlic supplements daily. Look for supplements that contain at least 75% allicin, the active compound in garlic responsible for its health benefits. Take 1-2 capsules per