Health benefits of Pistachio

Health benefits of Pistachio

Dry fruits are small but are extremely rich sources of minerals and proteins. Every diet specialist

always recommends a handful of dry fruits in our diet in order to keep us healthy and fit.Dry fruits

possess a lot of medicinal properties because of the ample amount of nutrients that are present in

them. Though the dry fruits are really expensive and are regarded as delicacies but the health benefits

that they possess makes them worth their price.Pistachio is from Western Asia but it is mostly also

available in the Mediterranean region. The nutrient rich pistachio is a nut. Actually pistachio is a

 fruit, but the the outer shell of the fruit is removed and the yellow coloured seed kernel is usually

eaten as it is edible. Like other dry fruits the pistachios also have lots of health benefits.

                               Some of the health benefits of pistachios

1. Pistachios help in reducing bad cholesterol, LDL and increases good cholesterol, HDL in the body thus

   preventing heart diseases. It also increases strength of the nerves making heart stronger.

2. The University of Toronto performed a study that showed that pistachios may stabilize blood sugar

   levels and can be a good snack item for diabetics.

3. The nut contains good fats that can help lower cholesterol and reduce risk of heart disease. Pistachios

   also provide with a healthy dose of vitamin B6 that helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.

4 .It is the rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid and), antioxidants which helps in

   maintaining healthy blood lipid profile and preventing from the coronary artery disease, strokes and

   other cardio vascular diseases.

5. Pista kernels are rich source of many anti-oxidant phyto-chemical substances such as carotenes, vitamin E,

   and polyphenolic antioxidant compounds. Research studies suggest that these compounds may help remove

   toxic free-radicals from the body, and thus, protect it from diseases, cancers, and infections.

6. Pistachios contain higher amounts of fiber that helps keep the digestive system operating normally and

   prevents constipation.

7. Vitamin B6 is present in high concentration in pistachios which is very beneficial to nervous system.

   Amines are the messaging molecules in the nervous system. In order to develop, they need amino acids

   which are dependent on vitamin B6 presence in the body.

                                      pista benefits during pregnancy

Nuts and seeds during pregnancy are a good source of essential fatty acids, fiber, protein and minerals

including calcium. Some nuts are also a good source of folate. Nuts also contain useful plant chemicals.

During pregnancy nuts and seeds become a healthier alternative form of snacking.This is the time when

you should stay away from the junk and include only healthy foods. Pistachios are highly nutritious and

supply you with essential nutrients during this time. However, like any other foods, you must also weigh

the pros and cons of consuming pista during pregnancy.

Pistachios are nutritious nuts that supply many nutrients you need during pregnancy.Pistachio supply

certain nutrients you need more of while carrying a baby. One of the most notable is protein, which

encourages proper development of your unborn baby’s tissues and muscles. Nuts are also a healthy source

of fiber, which can help prevent constipation, a condition that afflicts the majority of pregnant woman.  
Pistachios have anti-inflammatory properties that protect you from pain in joints and problems of swelling

at the time of pregnancy.

Moreover Pistachios are loaded with mono-unsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid and are capable of

lowering total as well as bad (LDL) cholesterol and increase good (HDL) cholesterol levels in the blood

and thereby capable of maintaining your lipid levels under control when pregnant and also It has iron and

vitamin B6 which involves in the maintenance of hemoglobin count and oxygen rich blood supply to the body

thus protects pregnant women from early pregnancy problems like nausea, morning sickness and anemia.

Eating pistachios at the time of pregnancy also  prevents kids from proteins, vitamins, minerals

and iron deficiency diseases like marasmus, kwashiorkor, beri-beri, rickets, eye problem, anaemia,

bone problems and etc.