Health benefits of Garlic

Health benefits of Garlic
1. If you have cold and flu, then take small amount of garlic every day until the infection disappears.

Garlic tends to reduce the frequency of colds and flu without any side effects.
2. Laboratory studies show that allicin reduces cholesterol production by inhibiting the HMG-CoA

reductase enzyme within the liver cells.
3. Research studies also suggest that consumption of garlic is associated with a possible decrease

in the incidence of stomach cancer.
4. Garlic has been found to assist babies to gain weight while they are in the womb.
5. Garlic strengthens the immune system as well as helps to fight chest infections, coughs and

congestion. In the winter months garlic is a great food to boost your immune system and ward

off colds and flu.
6. Garlic may help improve your iron metabolism. That’s because the diallyl sulfides in garlic can

help increase production of a protein called ferroportin. (Ferroportin is a protein that runs

across the cell membrane, and it forms a passageway that allows stored iron to leave the cells

and become available where it is needed.
7. Since it has both antibacterial and antiviral properties, garlic is great when it comes to treating

skin infections.
8. It contains many flavonoid anti-oxidants like carotene beta, zea-xanthin, and vitamins like

vitamin-C. Vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge

harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals.
9. Strong flavored, garlic cloves contain many noteworthy phyto-nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and

antioxidants that have proven health benefits.