Handicrafts of India

Handicrafts of India
Handicrafts of india is very famous in national and international markets.Handicrafts can be defined

simply as objects made by the skill of the hand and which carry a part of the creator as well as

centuries of evolutionary tradition.Skilled people create varied types of items starting from consumer

goods to decorative pieces out of paper, wood, clay, shells, rock, stone, metal, etc.As far as art

and culture is concerned, India features amongst the culturally rich countries in the world.The

highly skilled artisans have increased the fame of Indian handicrafts around the globe.. From early

ages to current world, people of India have been using handmade products for a long time. At earlier

stage, Indian-handicrafts had been used as utility items to fulfill their need but now these products

have become the creation of Art and are used for decorations.Indian arts and crafts are famous all

over the world because of their unique designs and immaculate craftsmenship that they have procured from

their ancestors.

Leather Handicrafts
Marble Handicrafts
Metal Handicrafts
Stone Handicrafts
Tilla Juttis
Wall painting
Madhubani Paintings
Embroidery work
Wood Handicrafts
Shell Handicraft
Rock Handicrafts
Jute Handicrafts
Paper Handicrafts
Bone and Horn Handicrafts

Apart from these ,there are many more other handicrafts which is well known in international markets.

The Indian handicrafts cannot be described in few lines or paragraph.Indian Hand crafted products

are long life, rich look and unique itself. Every art piece has the story and the history in it.

By increasing demand of the Indian handicrafts products some traders and exporters of India did

collect the handicraft goods from all over India and selling in International market at high price.