Jammu kashmir food

Jammu kashmir food
Food in Jammu & Kashmir is quite famous and all kinds of cuisines are available. Undoubtedly, the

local Jammu & Kashmir cuisine is also extremely popular that consists of a variety of enticing dishes.

The cuisine of Jammu and Kashmir combines influences from Indian Hindus and Muslims, as well as,

Persian and Afghan invaders.Cuisine of Jammu and Kashmir has become world famous for its uniqueness

and variety. The most famous Kashmiri non-veg dishes named Wazwan are seekh kababs, tabak maz Roganjosh,

Yakhni and Gushtaba, and the renowned veg dishes are Dum Aloo and Chaman.The food of Jammu and Kashmir

differs from region to region such as Hindus Dogras of Jammu being predominantly vegetarian; eating

a staple diet of rice, wheat and beans.The Ladakhis eat rice, wheat, millet, locally produced vegetables

and fruits, goat meat and dairy products made from yak milk.Cuisine of Jammu and Kashmir is nothing

less than a treasure for the food lovers.Secret behind the mind-blowing cuisine of the state lies

in the books of history which speaks of the invasion of Kashmir by Timur in the 15 th century AD.

People of the state are liberal in the use of spices, condiments and curd. The medium of cooking

is chiefly mustard oil. Kashmir offers excellent non-vegetarian delicacies,Where vegetarian dishes

are concerned a mixture of vegetables along with cottage cheese and potatoes are used to make all

kinds of delightful foods.So much variety, so many flavors, such taste, you will get all this only

in the cuisine of Jammu and Kashmir.You can also enjoy the local snacks like Sheermal and baqerkhani,

tsot and tsochvoru are different form of Kashmiri breads.The state has opened up many restaurants

that cater to their vegetarian and non-vegetarian guests and take good care of them.Therefore after

having food one can enjoy traditional desserts such as phirni, sevaiyaan, barfi and gulab jamun .

The cuisine of jammu and Kashmir is truly unique and has absolutely no comparison.