1. They reduce heart attack risk: Almonds contain minerals like potassium, folic acid, protein,

mono-saturated fats and vitamin E. Hence eating them can significantly reduce your chances of

heart diseases.
2. Almonds help build strong bones and teeth: the phosphorous in almonds make this possible.
3. They regulate blood pressure: Almonds help in regulating blood pressure because they are high

in potassium and low in sodium.
4. Skin benefits: Almonds are great for your skin; they make your skin softer, more supple and flawless.
5. Boosts energy: If you are in the habit of consuming cups of coffee and energy drinks to get a

boost of energy, try eating almonds instead! Riboflavin, copper and manganese in the nuts will

give you stamina.
6. Lowering cholesterol.A study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found

that consuming almonds increases vitamin E levels in the plasma and red blood cells and also

lowers cholesterol levels.