Dry fruits are packed with various vitamins, essential fats and nutrients, they keep you healthy and

fit. They also have a number of skin benefits too. Dried fruit is fruit from which the majority of

the original water content has been removed either naturally, through sun drying, or through the

use of specialized dryers or dehydrators.Dried fruits retain most of the nutritional value of fresh

fruits.The specific nutrient content of the different dried fruits reflects their fresh counterpart

and the processing method.Today, dried fruit is produced in most regions of the world, and consumption

occurs in all cultures and demographic segments.It is very important nowdays to know about the quality

of the dry fruits at the time of buying them.Undoubtly it is true that the dry fruits are very good

for health it keeps us fit and provide a sufficent amount of protiens and vitamins required to the

body,but if you don’t control your portions, they may have adverse effects on your body in different
