Chilli have been a part of the human diet in the food since at least 7500 BC.Chili powder is a widely

used spice in various soups, stews and many more dishes.we can say that INDIAN kitchen is incomplete

without chili powder.chili powder is the dried, pulverized fruit of one or more varieties of chili pepper.

Basically the chili powder is made with the mixture of two or three different chili pepper.Chilli powder

is commonly used in Indian cuisine to make foods spicier moreover it gives lovely red glow and sharp

flavour to dishes without making it unpalatable.Chilli powder has a long life .It can be kept for a

long period .The chili powder have many more advantage like it contain vitamin A which helps to

maintenance eyesight as well as to contribute to maintaining the health of your bones, teeth,

skin, internal membranes and reproductive systems.It also contain vitamin C which helps to control

the risk of developing harmful health conditions like cancer and heart disease.