Dried fruits offers some advantages over fresh fruits.Dry fruits are small but are extremely rich

sources of minerals and proteins.There are number of varieties in dry fruits such as raisins,

cashew nuts, almonds, pistachios, walnuts, dates and the list goes on.Dry fruits possess a lot

of medicinal properties because they have o large amount of nutrients that are present in them.

Dried fruits generally contains more fiber than the same-sized serving of their fresh counterparts.

Fiber helps keep your digestive system running smoothly. Dried apricots, for example, contain

6.5 grams per cup, while fresh apricots contain just 3.1 grams.Some of the good and the best

benifits of the dried fruits.

1.(IMPROVES HEMOGLOBIN)-Almonds help in the formation of new blood cells and also increase the

hemoglobin level in the blood.

2.(MAINTAINS CHOLESTEROL)-Cashews and almonds is considered very effective in controlling cholesterol

and providing us with a healthy body by promoting blood circulation.Cashews have zero cholesterol

level and is very advantageous for maintain low cholesterol levels.
3.(PREVENTS HAIR LOSS)-Almonds have prove them to be the best solution for the hair loss problem.

Applying almond oil on the scalp has proven to be very effective in curing hair problems.
4.(CONTROL THE RISK OF DEVELOPING CANCER)-The studies show that the almonds and Walnuts

contains several substances that are very useful in order to prevent cancer.
5.(Breast cancer)-Flavonoids found in almonds also suppress breast cancer cell growth when these

cells have been exposed to cancer-causing agents.
6.(Stable Blood Sugar) – The University of Toronto performed a study that showed that pistachios

may stabilize blood sugar levels and can be a good snack item for diabetics.
7.(Fiber) – Pistachios contain higher amounts of fiber that helps keep the digestive system operating

normally and prevents constipation.

8.(Weight Gain) – Dates consist of sugar, fats, proteins as well as many essential vitamins.

One date has 20 calories (equals to one spoon of sugar but healthier). 1kg of dates = 3000 calories.

9.Diarrhea – Ripe dates contain potassium that is beneficial for controlling diarrhea.
10.Bones and teeth – Cashews are a good source of magnesium; this works with calcium to support

healthy muscles and bones in the body. The combination also helps maintain healthy gums and teeth.