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snow mountain garlic


Snow mountain garlic (kashmiri lehsun) (organic)

Weight : 950 gms

Disclaimer: Actual product may be different from the image displayed.


Through numerous studies, garlic consumption have shown an increased level of energy ,
endurance and a health management technique of preventing disease or assisting a cure.

Snow Mountain Garlic is harvested only once a year.
Recent research has found garlic contains more than 30 organosulphur compounds, many with exciting anti-cancer properties.
Snow Mountain garlic boosts testosterone when combined with a high-protein diet for a month.
Allicin in garlic combines with the B vitamin thiamine and stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin. (Good for diabetes)
Garlic tackles both cholesterol and blood pressure to lower the risk of heart disease.
To maintain its freshness, it is best kept in its double shell until time of consumption
DO NOT store in refrigerator, this is to avoid spoilage
Keep in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight

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